Stream 23 April - 28 May 2022
Galleri Magnus Karlsson, Stockholm
Matkalla maan keskipisteeseen/ Journey to the Heartlands
Feb-Apr 2021
Spatial Referencing 2020
Installation view, Galleri Magnus Karlsson, Stockholm
(Book of Changes) Drizzle 2019 Fabric and glue on panel, 120x80 cm
FEVER 11.1-8.2.2020
(Book of Changes) Fog 2019 Fabric, glue and pastel on panel, 120x80 cm
(Book of Changes) Light 2019 Fabric and glue on panel, 120x80 cm
(Book of Changes) Snow 2019 Fabric and glue on panel, 120x80 cm
(Book of Changes) Fire 2019 Fabric and glue on panel, 120x80 cm
(Book of Changes) Stream 2019 Fabric and glue on panel, 120x80 cm
(Book of Changes) Rise 2019 Fabric, glue and acrylic on panel, 120x80 cm
(Book of Changes) Rain 2019 Fabric and glue on panel, 120x80 cm
(Book of Changes) Wind 2019 Fabric, glue and pastel on panel, 120x80 cm
(Book of Changes) Sea 2019 Fabric and glue on panel, 120x80 cm
Sky Above, Earth Below 2019 Fabric and glue on panel, 110x172 cm
(Book of Changes) Sky, Shadows, Light 2019 Fabric and glue on panel, 120x80 cm
Diamond in the Mud Fabric and pigment on panel, 55,5x53 cm
Medusa Fabric, paper and pigment on panel 70 × 50 cm
The Pump Bar Fabric and paper on panel, 80x120 cm
The Silk Route Fabric, paper and pigment on panel, 69 × 94 cm
Kaidun, Kepler, Sikhote-Alin Fabric on panel, 80x120
(Orgueil is a scientifically important carbonaceous chondrite meteorite that fell in southwestern France in 1864.)
Allende paper and fabric on panel 80x120
Wingspan paper and fabric on panel 80x120
Kaidun paper and fabric on panel 80x120
The Wall paper and fabric on panel 80x120
Silkhote-Alin paper and fabric on panel 80x120
Hoba paper and fabric on panel 80x120
Textile Objects
C-Moll Installiation view, Collectiva Gallery, Berlin
Installiation view, Collectiva Gallery, Berlin
AMA Galleria, Helsinki